Sunday, September 24, 2006

Information Sources about Thai Politics

Anyone with good research capabilities should be able to compile what I'm attempting to do, but it's good for me to collect my llinks in one place. I'm not attempting to include all possible sources, just those I've found worth looking at (with a personal bias.)

1. A friend called me within a few hours when the coup occured. That has a lot to say for the role of communication, and how interconnected we really are. Friends and family's opinion will always reveal how well a political situation is received by the people (isn't that what democracy is supposed to be?)

2. I read the "The Nation". They've been posting news fast and furious since the beginning. I couldn't get into the website of Bangkok Post at the high point of it all. They must have a really bad server.

3. I rely on to supply me with pictures, thier links are really good. also gives me some pretty grassroots pictures, but they are happily not a political blog.

4. I've subscribed to google news alert, so that I can scan the headlines. Of course, you need a trained eye and sense to know which sources are worth reading. Reuters was the first to get a good article out. I thinks I've read some I've found Bloomberg to be pretty good too. Because I'm in Canada, I read some articles. Others that are good writes are Associated Press, Asia Times, International Herald Tribune, Washington Post. I can read Thai, but my dyslexic and add tendencies just won't let me. I rely on my Thai friends to regurgitate those for me, quite a lot of the news can be speculations, guessing and spins.

5. Then I google for bloggers and add them to my Bloglines aggregator.

6. I've also found out that Wikipedia has jumped up in terms of the quantity and quality with pages on Thailand. Most notable, there is Thailand Political Crisis 2005-2006, 2006 Thailand Coup d'Etat.


KorBua said...

That coup night was exciting. I eventually went to sleep because I was tired. I got up early to catch the news from blogs and telly as well. :)

Cuauhtémoc said...

The best part about blogging is that it builds a community. It feels nice to recognize and welcome the comments of a familiar blogger such as yourself. :) (Thanks for reminding me to smile!)