Thursday, November 2, 2006

The Bunnag family

(Just a note for myself to find this link. Not blogging much now because I'm so busy.)

Found this webpage set up by the Bunnag family, The Bunnage Lineage Club. Hopefully, I can write more about them one day.


KorBua said...

such a huge family... :P

Andy said...

Sadly I cannot read Thai well yet, so I cannot check yet whether the diplomat and former ambassador Tej Bunnag is the same person as the Tej Bunnag who wrote "The Provincial Administration of Siam 1892-1915".

Thoughts said...

Yes, the former ambassador and the historian are the same person.

Thoughts said...

Yes, the former ambassador and the historian are the same person.

Thoughts said...

Yes, the former ambassador and the historian are the same person.